Support Merced Triangle Park Restoration

Neighbors of Forest Hill Extension have organized to renovate the Merced Triangle Park (at the intersections of Merced, Pacheco, & south of Dewey).   Work by neighbors is already underway and the Merced Triangle Environs are looking better each month.  To enhance the aesthetics, the plan is to mirror the Forest Hill Triangle plantings while updating or repairing the infrastructure.

The Details:

  • The architectural urn is over 100 years old and needs restoration of the masonry and installation of drainage before it is too late to be save.
  • The 50+-year-old galvanized irrigation system will be replaced with a modern water-saving system including drip lines to limited plantings and an automated timer with automatic rain shutoff.
  • Gopher mesh will be installed to help reduce the neighborhood and city-wide gopher infestation.
  • Finally, drought tolerant fescue sod (like that used in Golden Gate Park) will be installed to mirror the architectural beauty of the Forest Hill Triangle.

Please give generously to help restore one of the centerpieces of our parklike neighborhood. For more information, please email

You can also donate to support the Merced Triangle Restoration efforts through the GWPNA secure PayPal site (see button below), or by writing a check and mailing it directly to GWPNA. 100% of your tax-deductible donation is provided to Merced Triangle Restoration to help fund their infrastructure renovation and aesthetic restoration.

Where is Merced Triangle?