The West Portal neighborhood lies just to the South and West of Twin Peaks, and takes it’s name from the Western teminus of the Muni tunnel that runs beneath Twin Peaks and carries the K, L and M-line streetcars. Because of it’s small size, and the large number of shops, restaurants and pubs along it’s main street (West Portal Avenue), it’s often described as being a village inside the city.

There’s some great background information about West Portal available elsewhere on the Web, so rather than try to recreate that here, we’re just going to point you to some of our favorite sites:
- Wikipedia.Org – West Portal, San Francisco: This is a a good, short overview of the basic facts you should know about West Portal.
- StreetAdvisor.Com – West Portal, San Francisco: This site includes a lot of great, but subjective views of West Portal submitted by residents and visitors.
- OutsideLands.Org – History of West Portal: This is a fantastic site with hard to find tidbits, early photos and even some videos about West Portal.