GWPNA is a philanthropic 501(c)3 organization dedicated to improving the quality of life in the West Portal neighborhood. We use your donations to fund our Neighborhood Grant program, rent the West Portal Playground Clubhouse to host our meetings, operate this web site, pay our dues to various other neighborhood and regional organizations like the West of Twin Peaks Central Council and the Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods.
Your donations to GWPNA are tax deductible (Tax ID: 51-0169982). Also, many employers will match the donations their employees make to organizations like GWPNA, so check with your company to see if they have a matching program. Every dollar helps!
If you’d like to donate, you can do so by check, or on-line using a credit card through our PayPal account.
We’d also appreciate the donation of your time. Come to one of our meetings, join a committee, or just lend us your expertise and insight by speaking up on topics that interest you. All views are welcome and appreciated!
Two options for making a donation include:
- Mail a check for $20 (or more) to us along with a note that includes your:
- Full Name
- Street Address
- Email Address
- Phone Number (optional)
Mail to:
P.O. Box 27116
San Francisco, CA 94127
- Make an on-line donation of $20 (or more) using our secure online-payment option through PayPal for non-profits.
Make a donation online using PayPal for non-profits
- You do NOT need a PayPal account to donate with a credit card.
- PayPal does NOT share your credit card or bank information with GWPNA.
- PayPal gives you the option to share your contact information with us. We urge you to do that, otherwise your donation appears ANOYMOUS to us.
- If you provide your Name, Address and Email to us we can send you a donation receipt with our Tax ID, and add you to our Announcements Email List.
The button below will take you to the secure donation page at PayPal, where you can complete your donation.