Meeting Schedule

Meeting via Zoom: As the Pandemic restrictions continue to lift, we have returned to in-person meetings with an option to join by Zoom. All members are notified through the GWPNA Announcements email list of the meeting location and the unique Zoom meeting URL and passcode for each month. Guests are invited directly by the officers. For an invitation, contact:

GWPNA meetings are held the first Wednesdays of the month (Except during July & August) and are open to members, guests and public.

Meeting Schedule for 2024-2025

  • Sept 4, 2024
  • Oct 9, 2024 (Second Wednesday to avoid Erev Rosh Hashanah)
  • Nov 6, 2024
  • Dec 4, 2024
  • Jan 8, 2025 (Second Wednesday to avoid New Years Day)
  • Feb 5, 2025
  • Mar 12, 2025 (Second Wednesday to avoid Ash Wednesday)
  • Apr 2, 2025
  • May 7, 2025
  • Jun 2, 2025