Dorchester Median Project Kick-Off!

Congratulations to Caroline Johnston on her efforts in getting this beautification project going. From September to December of this year, the San Francisco Department of Public Works will stabilize and landscape the Dorchester Way median strip between Ulloa Street and Portola Drive. The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission has set aside $60,000 to fund the construction, installation and maintenance of the beautification project. Caroline is hosting a meeting at her home to gather Community input and participation in the project. The meeting on Monday, August 22, at 7:00 pm will be held at 106 Dorchester Way to discuss the plans, and to provide input into the design and materials.

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New Speed Indicator Signs on Ulloa

New Speed Radar Sign on Ulloa Street.

Thanks to our Traffic and Public Safety (TAPS) Committee and to Supervisor Yee for getting 2 radar signs installed on Ulloa Street. They are near the intersection of Madrone Avenue. At our August GWPNA Meeting, Bob Pressley reported that some cars are slowing down but still vehicles are exceeding 35 mph. TAPS asked Supervisor Yee about looking into enforcement for Ulloa and for the 5 way intersection at Vicente – Madrone – Wawona Sts. where there is a 90 foot cross-walk! There has been some discussion with SFMTA Engineers, but a possible solution would cost near $500K. SFMTA will be addressing GWPNA at the September Meeting.

Note: SFMTA meter maids can not under state law ticket moving violations.

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Taraval Captain’s Security Updates

By Andrew Segal

Several members of CAPS attended the last SFPD Taraval Station’s Captain Denise Flaherty Security Meeting at the West Portal Library. Here are some key take-aways:

  • Sadly, due to the events in Dallas and elsewhere in our nation, the SFPD is taking extra precautions for officer safety.  They have suspended plainclothes operations, cut back on foot patrols, and are working in pairs at a minimum.
  • The SFPD is implementing a body camera program and training officers in de-escalation.
  • There has been a recent modest decline in auto burglaries but an increase in home burglaries.
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WP locals met with Mayor and ex-Chief

By Andrew Segal   

A group of West Portal residents and leaders met with Mayor Lee and ex-Chief Suhr on Friday May 13 to share our crime concerns and press for more officers for Taraval Station. We discussed our efforts to track local arrests through the court system and learned that our work is making an impression. Mayor Lee committed to improve the reporting system so that we can easily see how local arrests are adjudicated. Our efforts are being heard.

West Portal Neighbors meet with Mayor Ed Lee and ex-Chife of Police at Manor Cafe

On Thursday May 19, I attended a SAFE meeting with the 16th Avenue and Moraga Steps Neighborhood Watch that included a presentation from Assistant District Attorney Shirin Oloumi, the prosecutor responsible for auto burglary. She described the process and highlighted some of the cases she has successfully prosecuted. The vast majority end with some form of negotiated plea, either between the DA and defense attorney or with the Judge directly. The net takeaway was that the more evidence she has, the better she is able to seek stronger penalties. Video footage provided by neighbors is among the best. If you have a camera, please register it with SFPD by emailing Michael Pheng

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