Polls are open for the 2024 District 7 Participatory Budgeting process. Participatory Budgeting (PB) is a democratic process in which community members propose projects and collectively decide how to spend part of a public budget.
This year there are two community driven proposals for improvements right here in West Portal. This includes a proposal to create a series of murals in West Portal (proposal #5), and one to repair a fence on public land at Edgehill Mountain (proposal #13 – see details below).
Vote here: San Francisco District 7 Participatory Budgeting for 2024
Fence Repair on Edgehill Mountain (proposal #13)
Greetings, GWPNA Members and Friends! We need your votes!
As you may have heard, City funds are being distributed to the districts to pay for projects that the residents of each district feel are important. We are your neighbors on Edgehill Way, and we have submitted a proposal to fund the replacement of a wrought-iron fence at the hilltop overlook site. If you’ve walked up Edgehill, you’ll be familiar with the place where you can look across to Mt. Davidson and out to the East to the Bay, Oakland and Berkeley. Down below is a sheer cliff, topped by a wall and the iron fence installed by the City after a landslide about 25 years ago. The fence is designed to provide safety to the walkers, whose numbers have increased in recent years. Unfortunately, the iron is rusting and has come loose, with some dangerous jagged edges. It’s not safe and presents an attractive nuisance to kids who may try to climb on the wall.
May 30th is the first day of the 2-week voting period. All residents of District 7 who are over 16 are eligible to vote, and you can vote for as many of the 15 proposals as you want. Only those that receive 400 votes will be funded. PLEASE VOTE FOR #13 EDGEHILL FENCE REPAIR!!
Edgehill Way Association