Neighbors in the area around Kensington Way have mobilized to protect the delicate, landslide prone, open space on the steep Western side of Edgehill Mountain. Read about their cause on the Community Action to Rescue Edgehill web site here:
You can also donate to support their efforts to protect the mountain through the GWPNA secure PayPal site (see button below), or by writing a check and mailing it directly to GWPNA. 100% of your tax-deductible donation is provided to CARE to help fund their geotechnical assessment and other activities.
Checks should be mailed to:
P.O. Box 27116
San Francisco, CA 94127
Edgehill Mountain History and Neighborhood Archives
There is a long history of neighbors working to protect the open space on the steep West and South sides of Edgehill Mountain from development. The hillside is composed of Franciscan Chert, which is a very porous stone prone to land slides. However the potential value of high-end housing (with views) on the hill make it a very appealing target for real estate developers. This is an archive of documentation collected by neighbors over several decades of working with the City of San Francisco, to ensure Edgehill Mountain is protected.
— Archive Coming Soon —