Your input needed: MTA draft plans for West Portal Station Landscape zone

The MTA is planning to make some changes to the landscaping and walkways between the tunnel and Lenox Way on the West side of the tunnel. This is the current design draft. Please review it and send any feedback to and by Sunday, September 22.

2024.09.05 – West Portal Tunnel Landscape Concepts.pdf

Beginning September 23rd, the PWLA team will work to develop a single preferred concept plan. Currently, there is a general preference for Concept B, with an interest in extending the log nooks, including a pole light for pathway lighting, considering safety of the stepped stumps, and considering the height of the logs in the log nooks.

The PWLA team will then work up a refined concept plan, a draft photo simulation, and a draft cost estimate and distribute for review – tentatively targeting October 4 and provide two weeks for review and feedback, after which they will finalize the concept package and be ready to begin pursuing implementation funding by the end of October.

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